Friday, April 26, 2013

Nashua Indoor Scottish Festival

The Nashua Indoor Scottish Festival was a huge success and great music was to be heard!  I thought I'd attach a few videos of the performances.  The video quality isn't great, but the sound isn't too bad.  The first band is the Scotia and Glenville Pipes and Drums.  They're a Grade 3 band from upstate NY, average for that band was about 13!  They were also the 2012 World Junior Pipe Band Champions over in Glasgow last year, so you can imagine how great they were to see live!

When these guys came walking out on the stage there were a few snickers at how young (and short!) they were, that didn't last long after hearing them play!
The next band I'm posting are our AOH brothers from Rhode Island.  They sounded good, played in Grade 5, I think, and I believe they came in 3rd.  Don't quote me on that, I'm probably wrong!
Here we have another band, can't recall who it is, but its good to listen to regardless!  Enjoy!
Lastly we have the only Grade 2 band to play, the Stuart Highlanders out of Mass.  These guys sounded great, as well. 

All in all the Nashua Indoors Scottish Festival seemed like it went off well.  There were vendors, solo and band competition, as well as drumming competitions.  I definitely think that this is one event we should all try to make next year, and the $5 admission was well worth the price! 


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