Sunday, October 25, 2009

OCt.22 Practice in Rochester, NH

Last weeks practice for the seacoast group was held at Mel's in Rochester. The reason was that there was a group of hi-schoolers from Ireland touring the country and they were stopping in at Mel's for dinner. Also invited over were local hi-school kids and we thought that this may be a good time to expose some new people to the joys of bagpiping.

So we held our normal practice in the back room and later went out front and put on an impromptu show for them. Before we (Tom, Little Gunny and Sarah, Roy and myself. Kathy was also there but her throat was way too sore as she is getting ready to have her tonsils removed this week.) started, I asked for a show of hands of how many people there liked bagpipe music? Got a overwhelming response. Then I asked how may people there hated bagpipe music. Got one hand raised. It was a old bearded guy next to me that had his hand raised. Curiously he also had a set of pipes laying on his shoulder. I told Tom to take his hand down and we commenced to play.

We started with the ?Scotland the brave? set. Tom then went into ?Itchy fingers?, I think we both played ?Rose of Allendale?. I came back with ?Scots Wha Ha'e? Tom joined in. We may have played one or two more things that I have forgotten now and then finished up with ?Ode to Joy?.

It looked like every one had a good time, we enjoyed it. We missed every one that weren't there. Remember, If you live in the Seacoast area, and want to see what playing the bagpipes are all about. Looking to learn about how to get started, or just set in hear them. We hold a practice just about every Thursday at around 6:30pm At the American Legion Hall, Post 7 in Rochester, NH.

1 comment:

  1. wish I could have been there but my mom came in town that day and we were busy in Portsmouth.
