Thursday, August 27, 2009

Playing at the Highland Games?

Hello everyone,

Roy sent me this e-mail that I am passing on for him for you information.

Bob could you send out an inquiry to see if anyone wants to play at the highland games..I need to know soon like yesterday hahaha
they would have to make a commitment to Sat and Sunday.? We would receive 15 weekend tickets. We would play at the mast bands on the opening and closing also may play on Sunday on the parade ground.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Upcoming events.

Sorry, but I still seem to be having a problem with my e-mail carrier so I tryed it again a different way, hoping that everyone got it. I am also as you can see, posting this to the AOH Blog that is now part of our website. I think that this will be easier for everyone to get to. Anyway, the following is what we have ahead for now.

Veterans' Memorial Park

AOH Pipes and Drums Band to play at Veterans' Memorial Park in
Manchester on Sunday, Aug 23 at 1:00 PM Members are to meet at Henry
J. Sweeney Post #2 at 11:30 AM. Dress is white shirts -  Ties and ribbons
 We are the main feature at the Ceremonies so George would like to have a good attendance.

Any questions or if you are not attending - please call Tom Martineau, Pat
Boyle or George Smith.

Seacoast Bus

Leaves Hallas at 8:00am
            Springvale at 8:45am
            Rochester at 9:30am
            Dover at 10:00am

Dover,Nh Elks

We have a performance at Sept. 4th  the Dover,Nh Elks on Route 108, Dover. Please show up no later then 6:00pm. Kilt, black polo and all the rest. Also performing will be the "Cam Ceoil" band and Irish Step Dancers. There will also be an Open Celtic Music Session, open to all musicians.

 The event sponsors are the Strafford County, Div. 1 AOH, Ladies AOH and the Seacoast Irish Cultural Association.

DeerField Fare info:

When: Oct. 3 2009
Time: 8:00am
Uniform: Kilt, Black polo and all the rest.

Seacoast Bus:
 Hallas at 5:15am
 Springvale at 6:00am
 Rochester at 6:45am
 Dover at 7:15am

We will have two Main Stage performances at 10:30am and 1:30pm.

Bob Stock

Friday, August 7, 2009

New events for August

Hello everyone,
I think that I got my mailing list fixed for now but to check it I am sending a mailing out as not only a test but to put out information for up coming events. If you get this mailing, would please send me back a short replies so I can get an idea on how this is working?

On to the news. This Saturday the 8th, I have been told that Mel Flangenion's (sp?) in Rochester is hosting a party. All band members have been invited. Free Food and Drink will be supplied to all pipers and drummers. It starts at 5pm goes on to whenever. If you have never been there you are missing a good family pub with friendly people.

Saturday August 15th is the Londonderry parade. Step off time is 10:30am be there at 9:30am at the School. The route is from the school to the duckpond. The bus will bring as many people back to the school after the parade as can be fitted in.

The Loud Pipes & Drums bus will be leaving Hollas at 6:30, Springvale at 7:15, Rochester at 8:00 and Dover at 8:30. I don't have any information about any Manchester rides yet.

Sunday August 23 is the Manchester WWII Veterans Memorial. No further information on this as of now.

Finally, I will as you can see, be putting information on upcoming events on our web site in the band blog. as well as in an e-mail. This may make is easier to get it and people will be able to add comments I hope that this helps.

Well that it for now, keep playing and keep well.

Bob Stock