Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Some Changes for the new year

Now that we are at the beginning of a new year, and a new parade season. I would like to direct you to our new Band web pages. This blog has served it purpose well but now it is time to retire it.

With that I would like to direct all of our band members and friends to a new address :  There you will find more information about us, what we do and how we do it. As we travel around New England  we hope that we meet up with all of our friends again and share both a tune and a beer with each.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Little "Pick Me Up"!

Since a few of us are thinking of heading out into the world of competition I thought that this little video might be a good morale booster! 

The Inveraray and Dsitrict Pipe Band

Friday, October 25, 2013

It's Hard to Believe...

It's hard to believe that just over a year ago we had just barely returned from Ireland!  Oh, for the good old days!

Anyways, courtesy of Anna Hebert, here are some photos to help us reminisce about that GREAT vacation we all had!

From Armagh to Killarney, we had a fantastic trip, one we'll never forget!  I'll be posting more pics and videoas in the days ahead so keep an eye out for them!  Again, a special thanks to Anna Hebert for these...If anybody else has any pictures or videos feel free to email them to me, and I believe that Kelsey has a montage she's putting together, so stay tuned for that! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Another Great Song by Jeff!

Another great song by our resident minstrel, Jeff!  Make sure you pay attention to the lyrics, pretty funny...I can't seem to load it, but follow this link and it should come up!  Its called, "The Hibo Band"

Another great tune, Jeff!  I'll post the video directly when I can...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Thank you to the Circleville Fire Dept!

A special Thank You to the Circleville Fire Dept for hosting us yesterday!  It was a great Muster and we had a blast!
We look forward to coming back next year and hopefully we'll be able to make an overnight trip of it! 
Here are a few more pics of the day.  A special Thanks to Maggie and Jeff for these!

Great Video of O'Neill Pipe Band

Thanks to Paul Hebert for alerting us to this!  Here are some great videos of the O'Neill Pipe Band playing in the Temple Bar area.  This first one is a little longer, but DEFINITELY worth watching.

This next video seems to be the same performance, a lot shorter and also worth the look!

Maybe one of these weekends the AOH oughta head down en masse to Portsmouth and work on our busking skills! 
Good job O'Neill Pipe Band, sounds great!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Loon, aka, New Hampshire Highland Games

Last weekend quite a few of us made the trek up north to Loon Mountain and the NH Highland Games.  It was a great weekend with excellent weather and free flowing beverages!

Several of our band members competed both individually and with the NH Pipes and Drums.  Brett and Angus both competed in the juniors, doing exceptionally well. Brett placed second and Angus coming in 5th (out of 13).  Angus was also the youngest competitor and beat out a few husky boys seven years older than himself!

Kelsey and Brian both competed in different drumming events with Kelsey taking first place.  Haven't heard from Brian as to how he placed, but I am sure it was first as he also received drummer of the day in his grade.  In fact, both Brian and Kelsey both received drummer of the day n their respective grades!
Overall it was a great weekend with a lot going on.  Red Hot Chili Pipers and Albannach were a big hit, as was local Vermont band Prydein.  The athletic games are always fun to watch and the sheep dog trials on Friday are always a crowd pleaser!


Also, Matt Anderson did a great job in his competitions, as well as the Norwich University Pipes and Drums, too. 
All in all it was a great weekend, the weather was fine and a lot of good times were to be had!